NCAA – See Them Before They Go Pro

NCAA / College football is fantastic. In fact we pretty much insist you look at taking in a game even if the primary purpose of your trip is an NFL game. From all-day tailgates to college marching bands, stadiums packed (often with attendances approaching or exceeding 100,000) with fired-up fans, there’s nothing like a college game day.
With the matchups taking place on Saturdays, an NCAA game is often a perfect accompaniment to a pro game on Sunday, with many teams easily accessible from NFL cities. Likewise, we can put together a college football-only trip if preferred. As ever, Touchdown Trips is here to do all the hard work for you. Just tell us what you want and let us put together the perfect package holiday that includes what you want – nothing more, nothing less.
Make your experience extra special…
Ticket upgrades | Extra Nights | Excursions
Upper Corner/Endzone ticket is already included in your booking. You can also upgrade to one of the many other ticket options on offer. We are happy to add extra nights to extend your Miami holiday and/or anything else you need to make this package perfect for you!